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bject Line Testers Free to Drive Open Rates [2023]

The subject line is a key component of any successful email campaign. It is the subject line that will appear in your subscribers’ mail and increase open rates.

Let’s look at some stats. 64% of email recipients make decisions about whether they open an email. 69% said that they also move spam emails based upon the subject line.

A subject-line tester is a great tool to test your copywriting’s effectiveness. This guide will provide you with top-quality tools that make this process easy.

Let’s get it to the top!

What is an Email Subject Line Tester?

To help businesses increase email open rates, subject line testing tools can provide useful information about the effectiveness of Subject lines. These tools are usually offered by email service providers (ESPs), and other marketing platforms.

These tools are, in short, tested:

  • Spammy wordsIt recognizes words that could send your email to spam such as urgent, 100% free, buy now, and others.
  • Word count Testers recommend the ideal character length to optimize your subject for all devices.
  • Sentiment – It conveys the emotion of the subject line to the audience using powerful words and emojis.
  • Preview: To ensure maximum results, some testers demonstrate how the subject line looks on different devices.

Let’s look at some of the best subject line testing tools available that can help you improve your email marketing efforts.

1. Refine by Moosend

Pricing: Free

Best Feature: Data per industry

Refine by Moosend is a free subject line testing tool that allows businesses to drive higher open rates and maintain a high deliverability score. It provides data per industry, which allows users to stand out among the rest.

You’ll be able to see the performance of your subject line for your industry once you have written it. You’ll be able to identify areas for improvement and provide suggestions for how to improve it.

The platform suggests segmentation of email to maximize personalization and performance.

Moosend also offers a standalone tool that provides detailed information. It’s an excellent option if you are looking for an integrated email marketing solution that does it all.

Take a look at the Moosend subject-line report:

Get Free from Moosend

2. Omnisend

Pricing: Free

Best Feature – Scannability

Omnisend is one of the most powerful email subject line testers. It provides users with a variety of information that can help them achieve higher metrics. It provides insight and characters, in addition to a generic subject-line score.

The scannability feature allows users to bypass spam filters. They also offer a section with different subject lines to help you get ideas for your next campaign.

3. Send It to Check It

Pricing: Free

Intuitive tester is the best feature

Send It Check It can be used to test your email marketing strategy and help you create the best subject lines. For their valuable insights, you will need to enter your first name as well as your email address.

You’ll find a readability score and character count. It also includes wording and punctuation suggestions. You will also find capitalization remarks and emoji count. This is useful to avoid spam filters and grab the attention of readers.

4. CoSchedule

Pricing: Free

The best feature isSpam filter immunity

CoSchedule, a content marketing tool well-known for its headline analysisr, that also provides a tester to help you create great subject lines. CoSchedule will ask for your personal information in order to provide you with a detailed report.

The above image shows an example of an email subject line analysis. This includes suggestions about wording and phasing as well as character length. There is also a dedicated preview section to see how your subject line looks on different devices.

5. Email Subject Line Grader

Pricing: Free

The best feature of Word combination

Email Subject line Grader provides basic features to help more experienced copywriters. Users are provided with limited suggestions, but it can still accomplish the task.

It provides wording suggestions for users to make subject lines more specific, such as asking a question, to make it more indulgent. Further information about word and character counts will be provided.

6. MailMeteor

MailMeteor’s tool can be used to quickly optimize your subject line, increase open and click-through rates for your email marketing campaigns.

You’ll receive ready-made templates that include copy and will help you reach your audience quicker with the right emails messages. You don’t need to log in.

7. Zurb Test Subject

Pricing: Free

Mobile responsiveness is the best feature

Test Subject helps marketers test email subject lines for different mobile devices. To test their functionality, users must include the sender’s name, subject, and preview.

This tool can be used to quickly check how your front-facing elements of your email campaign look on different devices.

8. Grademyemail from Netcore

Pricing: Free

The best feature of eCommerce-friendly

Grademyemail offers another email subject tester. This is best for the retail sector and can provide insight on how to improve your subject line or preheader text.

You’ll get a report about sentiment analysis, spam probability, and suggestions for improvement such as word count and character count.

9. Spam Check via Postmark

Pricing: Free

The best feature of Spam is Spam score

SpamCheck by postmark is a free tool that will ensure your emails pass spam filters. You don’t have to limit it to your subject lines. Instead, it can display all of your email content and give you a spam score.

Spam Check is a tool that allows you to interpret SpamAssassin’s score without the hustle.

Tips for a Successful Email Subject Line To Get Higher Open Rates

Fortunately, many email subject line testers can be found free of charge and are available to anyone via email automation or similar tools. Here are some tips to make sure your subject line gets a high score before you test it.

  • Keep things simple: Write short, descriptive copy with relevant keywords.
  • Personalize it. Add the recipient’s name to your email segmentation.
  • Be careful with spammy words. For example, characters like % or free will flag your email as spam, which can repel subscribers.
  • A/B Testing: Find out which subject line version is most effective for your audience.
  • Optimize for mobile devices: Ensure your subject line looks stellar on every device.
  • Combine sender name/preheader texts:Optimize additional elements on the mailbox for maximum open rates

Subject-Line Tester Tools FAQs

Are you still unsure about subject line testing? Here are some quick answers:

1. What is the best way to test a subject line

A dedicated subject line testing tool (e.g. Refine by Moosend) can be used to help improve your subject lines and prevent spam filters.

2. Which subject line tester is the best?

Here are some top-class testers you can check: 1) Refine By Moosend; 2) Omnisend; 3) Send Check it, 4) CoSchedule 5) Email subject line Grader, 6) Mailmeteor and 7) Test Subject by Zurb.

3. What length should a subject line be

Marketo says that 41 characters are sufficient to do the trick. However, it all depends on your subscribers’ devices.

4. What subject lines are spammed?

Avoid using spammy characters such as free and $, too many uppercase letters, keywords and keyword, and use punctuation wisely, e.g., delete exclamation points.

9 Free Subject-Line Testers to Drive Open Rates [2023] was first published on Email Marketing Automation Platform For Thriving Companies.

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