What are the Basics of Accounting? HoneyHat

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mistake of stability and Survivor Bias //

Asteroids have never caused the Earth to be destroyed.

There’s no need to worry. This brand has had its share of scandals, but it always came back stronger.

We’ve been able to find clients for our services despite previous technology changes.

The Survivor Bias is when you only consider the successful entries in assessing risk. If you examine the performance of mutual fund after ten year, many of them appear to be doing well. It’s partly due to the fact that those who did poorly never made it past ten years.

We are fortunate to live on a world that has not been destroyed by an asteroids. It doesn’t necessarily mean that life on other planets has been extinguished. We’re just unaware.

Past performance does not guarantee future success. Sorry.

Plan accordingly.

Seth Godin
Author: Seth Godin

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